I’m running a second campaign for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay (WFRP); we’re running on a bi-weekly basis and are using the second edition rules (but set in 2512IC prior to the Storm of Chaos stuff in 2E) and are playing through the Ubersreik material in the starters set and following supplements.
For each session I’m writing up a PDF summary of the session and storing it on my Google Drive for future reference, I’m going to post links to them on here in-case anyone is interested.
Obviously these session notes—although not containing rules or anything like that—do contain references to the events of published Ubersreik material for the 4E of WFRP, so if you’re worried about spoilers it may be best you avoid them.
A brief summary of the characters is also linked below:
🔹Dramatis Personae
🔹Session 5: The Anvil Watch