So—if you listened to my first 2024 episode (either the podcast version on Substack or the Youtube version—then you’ll know that I’m hoping to start running The Enemy Within campaign for the 4th Edition of Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay released by Cubicle 7.
Now—for anyone who has even a passing knowledge of this very famous campaign—you’ll know that this is a bit of a daunting undertaking since, all versions of the Enemy Within, have been published across multiple books and sets; there are also different adventures added or subtracted with the various different publications of the campaign. I’m not going to get into that in the post, but if you’re interested there is a great breakdown of this on the Awesome Lies blog:
To give some idea here is a picture of the books that I’m going to be using to run the campaign:
Now strictly speaking you don’t need to use all of these books to run the campaign, since the campaign only consists of five books, however the Cubicle 7 “director’s cut” of the campaign also publishes a companion book for each of the campaign books with additional material and useful guidance in them; not strictly necessary but I’m definitely going to reference them and so they’ve gone into the pile.
The book on top is the corebook for WFRP 4E, after all it’s kinda hard to run the game without the core rules, and I’m currently trying to get myself up to speed on the new rules since I’ve only played and GMed in 1E WFRP (despite having a number of 2E books) and I expect there’ll be some differences.
So we’re looking at 11 books in all, granted I don’t have to know everything in the books at once and this isn’t meant as any slight towards Cubicle 7 since The Enemy Within has always been a massive and somewhat challenging campaign to run. To be honest I think their idea of splitting some information off into companion tomes is a good idea, it’s just to point that even myself with a fair few years GM-ing under my belt, find this a pretty daunting prospect, but I’m hoping that I’m up for the challenge.
This has already been made a bit easier by the excellent guides and tips offered on the Awesome Lies blog and--I’m sorry if I’m gushing over this blog a lot—I’m finding that sort of stuff really useful and a great help in convincing myself that perhaps I can run this beast of a campaign.
Did I mention that there’s also a magic book, a sailing book and a couple of city books (not pictured in the pile) that I may be referencing???
But anyway, now I’ve got that off my chest, this article is to talk about one of the initial “issues” that I’ve been running into, even before mastering the rules and digesting as much of the campaign as I can cram into my noggin, and that is the issues of electronic maps. This campaign—like most of my other recent games—is going to be run online using a VTT and Discord for the audio/video, since my players are in various parts of the world so getting together in person isn’t really an option. In order to do this I will of course want to throw some maps up on a VTT (currently I’m thinking about using Owlbear Rodeo 2.0 after watching Sly Flourish’s video on it:
I’m not looking to have character sheets and full rules support in the VTT, I just want something simple that I can drop maps onto, do some fog of war and move tokens around on, and the SF video above suggests that Owlbear—which I’ve not really used since version 1.0—might just be for me.
However, I have bought all my WFRP books in hardcopy (since I struggle reading PDFs on screen for any length of time) which means I can’t just screenshot the maps from PDFs, if I had a scanner I suppose I could run them through that, however I got rid of mine after the update to the latest version of windows caused it to be no longer compatible and I’ve also discovered that trying to flatten books in order to scan stuff on their pages can damage the books. Some publishers also offer a free PDF version when you buy the books from them, and I think Cubicle 7 does that, however my books weren’t purchased directly from them, they came from a combination of various online gamestores and Ebay, so it seems like that’s not going to be an option.
I’m also not into the idea of re-spending the shitload of money I’ve already coughed up on gamebooks purchasing ready-made modules that include the maps for a VTT.
So I’m going to spend a while before I start my campaign haunting the internet to see if I can locate version of the maps online and it occurred to me that other people looking to run the campaign online might find this useful, so—over the next few weeks and months—I’m going to create a post for each of the books in the 4E version of the campaign and put links on those posts to the maps that I have found online to hopefully make it easier for people to locate these resources.
So to get started here are some maps of the Old World and the Empire, the default setting of Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay.
The Old World

The Empire
Special Mention goes to…
Gitzman’s Gallery: this website provides a host of extremely useful maps of the Warhammer world, along with various other tools and resources for WFRP.
You’ll be seeing this site crop up again in future posts since I can already see it has some of the city maps used in the Enemy Within campaign.Awesome Lies: Now you didn’t think there was only going to be one mention of this amazing resource in this article did you? Forshame!
In addition to being a great resource for the Enemy Within campaign, the author’s unofficial companion is—although written for earlier versions of the game—chock full of useful charts and also includes some general maps in a stonking player handout.
The author has also a series of posts talking about how some of this material can be used with later editions of has some great maps for WFRP
If you know of any further maps of the Old World, the Empire or that might be useful in The Enemy Within campaign for Warhammer Fantasy Roleplay, drop me a line either in the comments or you can email me at and I’ll add them to the list.