Welcome to Last Roll of the Week with Red Dice Diaries, where we talk about RPGs, offer hints, review books and other stuff to use in your own games.
In this episode I’m discussing my recent experience running a one-shot (loosely) based on the Isle of Dread classic module, but using the streamlined Knave 2E by Ben Milton from Questing Beast.
Knave 1E can be acquired from DrivethruRPG or itch.io, Knave 2E can be acquired from itch.io in PDF or from Swordfishislands.com in hardcopy.
I also respond to a voicemail from long-time listener Ricardo.
I’d really love you to get involved in the conversation, you can leave us a voicemail at: https://www.speakpipe.com/RDDRPGPodcast
Or email us at RDDRPGpodcast@gmail.com or drop me a line on Discord, either sending us a sound file or a written email.
The thumbnail for this episode was drawn by my lovely wife Hannah.
#RedDiceDiaries #TTRPG #TT #RPG #OSR #OldSchool #DND #Knave #Knave2E #BenMilton #QuestingBeast
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