While the cards and swag in 3rd edition might have been off-putting, it's a very good game. Jay Little's design on that game is the entire basis for the design of his Star Wars rpg for FFG and the whole "Edge" line that they currently publish. FFG eventually realized that it was a mistake to publish all those cards, which they thought would make it easier for players to see their abilities etc., and they published a Player's Guide. The narrative dice system Jay designed for Warhammer and Star Wars is one of my favorite design efforts in the past 20 years. I don't think it was right for most of the Warhammer fanbase, but it was right for me.

Darrington Press, the Critical Role people, are incorporating a similar use of cards in Daggerheart, but with fewer cards.

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Yes I have some of the FFG Star Wars line, although again it wasn't really to my tastes (I tend to use Hyperspace D6 if I want to run Star Wars), different strokes for different folks though 👍

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What’s most fun about 1e is that lots of the Warhammer Lore is yet to “fossilise”, so you get some interesting relics, like a pantheon of “evil” gods separate to those of chaos. Also, lovely illustrations! Never got to play it but I would pore over the White Dwarf *Marienburg* articles... the “old” Old World was an infinitely more fascinating place than what would emerge later, in common with WH40K.

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